Every argument against #anarchism boils down to, "We must be cruel or else someone will take advantage and be cruel, so stop complaining about our cruelty. Oh, and stop being so naive."

@revoluciana While I agree with your sentiment, and anarchists may support Trump MAGA, we need to remember, they need to realize Trump MAGA is in this for complete control. Anarchists had better be with the Trump Program or they will be hunted like… anyone who is not with the fascist control over them. 🤔🔥

@Huntn00 what are you talking about? Anarchists are not Trump supporters. Anarchists are radical leftists.

It's essentially impossible to be an #anarchist and a Trump supporter.

@revoluciana I’ll accept your position. I was thinking in terms of a general breakdown of society that a Trump Presidency could lead to, might lead to more opportunity for anarchism to grow. And if there are enough young people pissed, a breakdown could be viewed as a new beginning. But I doubt the pain and suffering of such an occurrence would be thought about. 🤔


Anarchism is not a "general breakdown of society." It is anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian, and so, sure, there are opportunities for the growth of #anarchist #praxis when not under the jackboot of control and oppression because there is less friction, but #anarchism and its praxis can be realized in any place and under any conditions. Anarchism is not a form of governance or or economy, it is a practice. It's not something which controls us, it is something that we do.

And to imply that anarchists don't think about pain and suffering is incredibly ignorant. That is the entire focus of practically every anarchist who ever existed. To end suffering and oppression caused by authority of one human over another.

What never fails to fascinate me are the people who believe anarchism causes pain and suffering while they live in a world under a paradigm of domination, a world where suffering is expected, the norm. Where anything else is considered subversive and dangerous.


@Huntn00 I thought you’d stopped playing with your food?

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