So. If Trump does flare out and can't take the nom, who's your best guess for GOP pinch-hit Presidential candidate 2024?


@AlliFlowers @Edelruth
I assume that the Republican Party has a place on the ballots already reserved for whoever their nominee is the same as the DNC although there is a red state trying to keep Biden off the ballot since the DNC convention is on the calendar past their state's deadline.

@GreenFire That’s it. There are at least 3 red states trying to keep Biden off the ballot, Alabackwards is in the lead. @Edelruth

@AlliFlowers @GreenFire @Edelruth The MAGA RNC is going with former guy no matter what happens. They can't help themselves.

@AlliFlowers @clankgy1 @Edelruth
As we are seeing with Democrats ability to get aid to #Ukraine and #Gaza the MAGA maniacs don't have 100% control over the GOP.

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