So. If Trump does flare out and can't take the nom, who's your best guess for GOP pinch-hit Presidential candidate 2024?


@AlliFlowers @Edelruth
I assume that the Republican Party has a place on the ballots already reserved for whoever their nominee is the same as the DNC although there is a red state trying to keep Biden off the ballot since the DNC convention is on the calendar past their state's deadline.


@GreenFire That’s it. There are at least 3 red states trying to keep Biden off the ballot, Alabackwards is in the lead. @Edelruth

@AlliFlowers @GreenFire @Edelruth The MAGA RNC is going with former guy no matter what happens. They can't help themselves.

@AlliFlowers @clankgy1 @Edelruth
As we are seeing with Democrats ability to get aid to #Ukraine and #Gaza the MAGA maniacs don't have 100% control over the GOP.

@GreenFire @AlliFlowers @Edelruth No idea if I am correct, but I suspect that Johnson allowed the foreign aid vote to save his ass. Democrats will likely save him from vacate motions as long as they get at least some of what they want.

And who says MTG is ineffective? She's a mover, just for the Democrats. LOL

@clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth
I know why Speaker Johnson signed the Ukraine and Gaza aid. I saw him say it on video and it entirely comports with the history of the discharge petition in our House of Representatives.

He said that since almost all Democrats had signed the discharge petition to put the Senate passed aid bill to a vote and enough Republicans had told him that they were going to sign it if he didn't move on aid that he had to.

I wish our media could catch on.

@GreenFire @AlliFlowers @Edelruth That makes sense. TBH, I forgot all about that petition, thank you for the clarification.

@clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth
What I couldn't fit in that post was that politically by putting his own aid bill up for a vote with a few tweeks that wouldn't tank it, that now he can claim a victory.

Politics is a rough sport and even winning won't cause the other side to acknowledge defeat.

I'm disgusted with our media now making him out to be some kind of a Nancy Pelosi level Speaker now. He's still the worst Speaker in modern history and Ukrainian and Palestinian blood is on his hands.


Johnson is the only Speaker since our first civil war who participated in a plot to overthrow the US government. I agree, worst in modern history.

I wish I saw his speech that you mention. I would have guessed that his political fortunes would be better served by forcing the discharge petition than by passing this bill. He's getting some ill-deserved "bipartisan fence-mender" adulation now, but I think that hurts him more than it helps him.

@clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth

@barney @clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth
I don't blame you for not trusting me. I suspect that it was Badd Company's feed that I saw the short video clip. I couldn't tell if it was from a cell phone recording or a podcast or what.

Can't find the video using a search engine. I think it should be obvious that your analysis of which way to go, his bill or the Senate bill, is obvious from how his bill funds his district as well as how the press is discussing it.

@barney @clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth
Maybe you'll trust Republicans for Ukraine spokesperson Gunner Ramer said:

"Republicans have a chance to make history, but only if they get to vote. That's why they should sign a discharge petition—it only takes four, but there's safety in numbers. These 10 members have been leaders on Ukraine and American national security in the past, and it's time for them to be leaders again."


I totally trust you! I wanted to research Johnson's statement in order to figure out why my analysis of his political calculations was wrong.

@clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth

@barney @clankgy1 @AlliFlowers @Edelruth
I get it. I just saw a short video. He's a novice politician, but he's learned enough to know that to acknowledge weakness is to provide the wolves circling with chance to slash his jugular. By putting his own bill to a vote he's able to sell himself as a leader rather than a follower.


That makes sense. But rule #1 of today's Republican Party is that you can't disobey the führer.

Johnson went to Mar-a-Lago on April 12 to beg for Trump's support, and he received it. At that meeting, Trump declined to comment on the foreign aid bill, pretending that he didn't know about it. And, post-vote, Trump isn't whining about how Johnson betrayed him. Therefore, I guess someone convinced Trump that it's in his best interest to stop publicly kissing Putin's ass for a while.

Trump had to accept that his efforts to help Putin in Ukraine had failed. One big purpose for his trip down to Mar-a-Lago was probably to inform him that he had to put a bill to a vote and so then they discussed strategy going forward.

I worry about is if they discussed what I fear Putin's planning to help the GOP.

FBI: increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall a couple weeks ago.

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