What is happening at Columbia in NY this week is a bit like Portland in 2020 — a loud group of agitators is being tolerated by a protest movement, the press is only covering those agitators, and the entire protest has been undermined.

If you tolerate blatantly pro-Hamas signs, slogans, and imagery at your protest, even from just a few people, your protest is now pro-Hamas. It’s the same thing as when conservative movements allow nazis at their events. Gotta police your own.


The "pro-Palestine" movement is pro-Hamas. Always has been.

It's not a few bad watermelons. They're all bad.

@TruthSandwich I don’t think that is entirely accurate, and certainly the thousands of American students across the US who are protesting against killing Palestinian civilians are not all (or even mostly) pro-Hamas. Sort of like saying anyone protesting Israel is antisemetic. It is an overly broad generalization used to discredit people when the underlying argument becomes too difficult.


If you allow Nazis into your bar, you have a Nazi bar.

If your "pro-peace" movement allows pro-terrorism, it's a pro-terrorism movement.

So don't tell me about how these pro-Hamas people aren't representative because they are and they will continue to be unless the movement you imagine exists expels them.

@TruthSandwich if you allow members of your armed forces to torture and kill innocent civilians, your entire armed campaign is a genocide too. So much like I said, tolerating the extremists paints the whole movement. Everyone from Palestinians to protestors to Israeli citizens should think about that.

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