What an ass!
Tuberville bill would require reports on abortions at the Department of Veterans Affairs - al.com
@KathyLK Only if there are pictures.
Maybe he makes his wife strip and dance around for him while he's reading the files.
@KathyLK That image is past my tolerance threshold. 🤢
Tommy Tumorville is already past my tolerance threshold.
@KathyLK Imagine knowing he’s your senator.
Apparently his voters don't care, and thank the Lord I live in a very blue state.
@KathyLK Count your blessings. I have to live with him. My vote doesn’t count for much, or we’d still have Doug Jones.
if your vote doesn't count for much, use your voice!
there's still plenty of time before general elections -- get the word out on your preferred candidate's positions, experience, why they are better for the people affected
@libramoon My preferred candidate may not even be on the ballot in Alabama. @KathyLK
why not?
@libramoon Because the DNC meets after Alabackwards ballots are printed. @KathyLK
Take it up with SCOTUS. After all, didn't they rule that states can't keep candidates off the ballot? Isn't there a Democratic organization of some sort in Talibama? Though IMHO, Democrats are usually a dollar short and a day late.
Oh, but I guess you do know. I'm sorry, you have my deepest sympathies.
@AlliFlowers Nothing explicably qualifies Tuberville for the seat he's holding.
His knowledge of the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence is very likely based on hearsay of microscopic selective vague snippets from those documents.
He shouldn't try to prepare America for the idea of becoming a neo-Confederate police state, with Gestapo-like officers going after women, who exert their right to self-determination, reproductive sovereignty & private healthcare decisions.
#RuleOfLaw #AbortionRights #InvoluntaryServitude #ThirteenthAmendment #ReconstructionAmendments
@ArenaCops He wasn’t even a very good football coach.
@AlliFlowers @ArenaCops
I didn't even read Arena's post to need to know who you're most likely talking about.
Tuberville is a great example of the benefit the conservatives derive from undermining education imo just in the fact that he could be elected.
@GreenFire @AlliFlowers Absolutely true — keeping people focused on entertaining misinformation gets dunces like Tommy elected, to the disadvantage of all Americans.
If Green Day's "American Idiot" fit's another MAGA ejaculate, it must be Tommy!
#AmericaDeservesBetter #AmericaMoves #BidenCares #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #SmarterTogether #ExpelTuberville #ObstructionOfNationalDefense
@AlliFlowers I believe you right away! His months-long obstruction of military promotions is public proof of Tuberville's unfitness for important teamwork.
Besides unfitness for any public office. He's just another placeholder for "GOP's" unsubstantiated & unjustified claims to power.
Investigate, impeach, try & remove would be proper congressional measures to deal with obstructionists like Tuberville willingly or unwillingly serving Putin's imperialistic ambitions.
@AlliFlowers Oh, how surprising. A privileged asshole who never served has IMPORTANT OPINIONS about the armed forces and veterans.
I wonder if he sits there and plays with himself when he reads strangers' gynecological reports.