"The nazis are coming, the nazis are coming." Imagine I'm Paul Revere. 🙄

@AlliFlowers They've been here fucking with Black people the whole time. Now, they're going to fuck with white people too. Hence, "they're here" takes on a whole fucking different meaning.

@AlliFlowers Ummmm, where do you think the nazis got their playbook? LOOK IT UP. It comes from here, from what was/is done to Black Americans.

@AlliFlowers I think you should educate YOURSELF. I don't work for you. I'm not your mom and I'm not your teacher. I don't belong to you. GOOGLE IT, ffs.

@StillIRise1963 I’m sorry, boo. I’m quite educated on the topic. You’re suggesting the Jews taught the nazis how to nazi? That is the most racist thing I’ve ever heard. @solownh

@TruthSandwich Don’t try and tell her that. Her mind is made up and closed for business. @StillIRise1963 @solownh

@StillIRise1963 @AlliFlowers @solownh

You're both talking past each other. Both of you agree that the Germans learned from American white supremacists.

Any apparent disagreement comes from miscommunication, so let's reset this, ok?

@StillIRise1963 I’m speaking to the most racist anti-Semite on Mastodon. Buhbye.

@AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 @solownh At the risk of getting pulled into a flame war, this is not what she's saying. I follow you both and respect both of you. This is a misunderstanding.

@StillIRise1963 was making reference to the racist/eugenicist ideology that originated here in the US and was then propagated to Germany where it became Nazism. Henry Ford directly influenced Hitler with his racist views, to the point that Hitler had a picture of him hanging up in his office and directly mentions him in Mein Kampf. As a result, a direct line can be drawn from white supremacy & slavery practices in the US to the antisemitic and eugenicist views of Nazi Germany.

@hosford42 @AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 @solownh

Anyone who doesn't know and wants to read up on the direct influence that anti-Black laws had on the development of anti-Jewish laws should read the book Caste.

There's a whole chapter on German Nazis coming to the American South to talk with racists in power about the structure and use of the Jim Crow laws.

It was notable to me that SOME of the anti-Black laws were deemed TOO EXTREME for the Nazis in setting up their own legal framework.

@hosford42 @AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 @solownh

It's a hard book but a good one for understanding a lot of what's going on in the world, especially but not exclusively in USA.

@hosford42 @AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 @solownh

On consideration, I'll amend my post about the book Caste to clarify:

Anti-Black laws in the US influenced the anti-Jewish laws of the Nazis during the 20th century, as described in my previous post.

AND it's also true that anti-Jewish laws within so-called Christian countries preceded Jim Crow laws by centuries.

It's horrible but it is both true that laws against Jews influenced the Jim Crow laws AND Jim Crow laws influenced Nazis

@AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 @solownh In short, American white people taught the Nazis how to nazi.

@AlliFlowers I am disgusted by how you just addressed @StillIRise1963 with such condescending disrespect. And using AAVE to do it. You’re the racist in the room.

What I particularly like about your abject ignorance is how you think I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO MY OWN PEOPLE. YOU ASSUME I'm the ignorant one in this conversation. What do you think that says about YOU?🤔



The claim: “where do you think the nazis got their playbook? It comes from here, from what was/is done to Black Americans”

The claim is that Nazis / Hitler were inspired by / learned from Americans, and the U.S. policy towards Black and indigenous people.

That’s not an obscure fact.

@StillIRise1963 @AlliFlowers @solownh

Ignoring the misunderstandings and moving forward, both things are true.

Yes, the Nazis did draw inspiration directly from American white supremacy.

But America didn't invent chattel slavery, nor did it come up with massacres all on its own. Europe had been persecuting Jews for many centuries.

The usual word for these massacres -- pogrom -- is Yiddish from Russian, which tells you everything you need to know about where it came from.

@TruthSandwich There's no misunderstanding on my part. NONE. That person was rude, misunderstood me, got fucking racist by calling me "boo" and acting like I couldn't know what I was talking about. They accused me of being an antisemite and acted like a total fucking fool. It's NOT A MISUNDERSTANDING. It's really BAD BEHAVIOR THAT'S RACIST.
@AlliFlowers @solownh

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