@dukepaaron Is he wearing Roman togs? @littlemiao @TonyStark @acarson @desafinado @PamelaBarroway
@littlemiao On a similar subject, I just came across this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y3bqz1tlf3f4c3i6pen8t/Jesus.pdf?rlkey=yo9xzsqri2vl9qu5vr46hyia7&dl=0
@dukepaaron @TonyStark @acarson @desafinado @PamelaBarroway
@desafinado @PamelaBarroway @dukepaaron @AlliFlowers @littlemiao @acarson
“Jesus was born in modern-day Palestine and it’s really important in the matter” is one of the most ludicrous weird claims ever.
Historical identity theft.
@desafinado @PamelaBarroway @littlemiao @acarson @dukepaaron @AlliFlowers I have to meet a friend. I’ll come back to this later.