OMG I am in a Zoom training and they're asking us "what do you teach?"
One young woman answered that she was actually a college student but last year was supposed to be an intern at a PRIVATE SCHOOL, helping the 11th grade English teacher. Before she could start, the actual teacher departed and she was made the teacher!! There was no curriculum for her class, either.
No training.
Not an educator.
No curriculum.
This is the education at a high-priced PRIVATE SCHOOL in Tennessee.
@Litzz11 That’s all of Florida right now, too.
@AlliFlowers Ugh.
"Idiocracy" was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
@Litzz11 If we had unlimited space on here, I’d tell you about my nephew’s experience teaching 4th grade in FL. He lasted 2 weeks.
@Litzz11 He has a 4 year degree. No pedagogy, no certification. He got a background check. School hired him to teach 4th grade math/science. They gave him no curriculum, no lesson plans. When he asked about sp’ed, they said not to worry. His last day, the district sp’ed supervisor showed up to have him sign IEPs. WHAT?!
@Litzz11 Every child with an exceptionality must have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). It has to be created and signed by the sp’ed teacher, LEA, gen ed teacher, parent, and an administrator.
@AlliFlowers Yikes. I'm in adult education so we don't have to deal with that kind of stuff.
@Litzz11 And now you know why I left K-12.
@AlliFlowers Wait what is an IEP? I don't know that acronym.