I’ve only been a #DoctorWho fan for about a year so it’s been really fun to have my first ever episode I had to anticipate and not just turn on streaming for!
Also a question: did the writers change sometime around when Clara came? Because that’s when I stopped liking it. I loved 9 and 10 and 11 up till Clara and then the stories just did not work for me at all anymore.
@Bronwyn The whole arc with Clara was awful. It’s like they had this brilliant idea, but had no clue how to make it work.
@AlliFlowers I couldn’t stand it and it just kept going on and on and on… but then I liked Bill and I didn’t mind Capaldi as the Doctor but I HATED the stories. Same with 13
@Bronwyn I think Capaldi got short-shifted because they were trying to put the emphasis on Clara.
@AlliFlowers I didn’t like a single thing about Clara
@Radgryd @AlliFlowers I think you’re right. I think she started out ok and then…