@AlliFlowers I mean Irish people weren’t white a hundred years ago. It’s not a fixed category, it’s not encoded in genes in any way, and our (Ashkenazi) status as white people has been contingent and/or contested at best - whatever we may look like.
@MisuseCase I would have thought it was pretty concrete since it’s a visible thing.
@AlliFlowers @MisuseCase 'White" is pretty much an invention and more about societal power than the amount of melanin one does or doesn't present in their skin. The definition changes based on continuing that power structure. That's how Irish and Italians became "white", and it's how a lot of Latinos will become "white" within the near future.
@vurtualtoby I bet that really messes with surveys. @MisuseCase
@vurtualtoby Same! @MisuseCase