Ahhhh. All my evenotes are imported into notesnook. Phew!
I'll spend a week making sure I like it and then... goodbye, #evernote! \o/
@deborahh Off to check out notesnook!
@AlliFlowers @mlevison well, I already had them troubleshoot an import issue. You're welcome! 🙂
@deborahh @AlliFlowers Another notetaking tool to keep an eye on.
I've fallen fairly far down this rabbit hole.
- DevonThink for archiving and references. Think research papers and anything else that I download or save
- Obsidian for notes I make
@mlevison @AlliFlowers a user compared a few: https://mstdn.social/@redcrew/111058914522409440
@AlliFlowers @deborahh of course, many people, many tools.
After using Evernote and then TheBrain I decided I wanted a markdown based approach and here we are