@AlliFlowers  if not 10,000, what number of dead would you regard as acceptable collateral?


@peterbrown None. Zero. Zilch. I just want an accurate count from a reputable source. Just like with Covid. I oppose any death of a living human being.

@AlliFlowers in that case why would you be concerned about the exact number?

@peterbrown Because so many people are only outraged at the numbers, not the deaths themselves, just the numbers. So like with Covid, I’d like to see the number of deaths from a reputable source. Will you be as outraged if it’s only 400? I doubt it.

@AlliFlowers so there we have it. 400 would be “fine” 🙄🤡

@peterbrown You have a point there. And it’s far fewer than were killed in the original attack on Israel.

@AlliFlowers so if you find it’s more than 400 you will join the campaign to stop the slaughter?

@peterbrown You seem to think I’m against it, or that I set the arbitrary number at 400 - which you said was fine. I said zero. I want the war to stop. However, it has to stop on both sides simultaneously.

@AlliFlowers unfortunately, sarcasm is almost impossible on social media. But when I said fine I was being sarcastic. It is not fine. 400 is not fine and neither is 400000.

What going on is bullying. Bullying by the heaviest armed state in the region against an open jail who not only have no army navy or airforce, but are entirely blockaded by land sea and air. The 7th October was a month ago. This has gone way beyond “defence” and must stop now.

@peterbrown Nobody is arguing that. The problem is a ceasefire cannot be one sided, cause then it’s not a ceasefire, it’s a suicide move.

@AlliFlowers not a war- a massacre

"There's no doubt that within the occupied territories - Palestinian land - there is a horrendous example of apartheid. The occupation and confiscation of that land, that doesn't belong to Israel, the building of settlements, connecting them with highways that Palestinians can't travel on and quite often can't cross ... is one of the worst examples of human rights deprivation that I know."

Jimmy Carter, 1979

#CeasefireNow #StopArmingIsrael #GazaGenocide

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