
@Teri_Kanefield there was a graph that showed a significant increase in transsexual identification among teens in the past decade – almost entirely in the F->M group. It is baffling that girls would not want to grow up to be women. I just cannot suss it.

@yoused @Teri_Kanefield How is this baffling? If you are taught from the moment you're born that you are a disgusting, sinful, lesser creature, if what you experience growing up is that you *will* be treated as less than human, why wouldn't you want to join the Not-Female tribe & gain power, status & approval? Maybe stop being the target of so much casual hate & violence day after day?

@Stybba3019 I prefer to omit the "/s" from what I write, hoping people will be able to figure it out.

@yoused non sequitur, and oh, it's pure bullshit too. if you looked at the numbers, the most you'd see is that the number of people coming out is getting closer to the estimated number of trans men adjusted for the relevant age group.


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