it's 2023 in America & a Congressman has to endanger his health to bring attention to a basic human right's issue. OSHA hasn't set a rule for workplace heat protection requirements bc corporate leaders are against them: Democrat Rep Greg Casar is doing an "all-day hunger & thirst strike" & vigil on the Capitol steps to push for a national standard to prevent heat-related illness, deaths on construction sites. #UnionStrong #CorporateGreed

@KimPerales Meanwhile in the Great State of facing an epic heat wave, the Head GOP genius and humanitarian, Gov Abbott passed a law rescinding local ordinances mandating water breaks for workers exposed to the heat. Coincidentally, days later, a worker died of heat stroke. ! The law has not yet gone into effect, but heat is the issue, and with idiots in charge, it can only turn out badly, regardless of what BS business excuse they blurt out. 🤔

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