For those of us that enjoy schadenfreude despite whatever character flaw(s) that might indicate, the orange chump's social media posts this weekend are delicious. It seems clear that he's finally coming to grips with the distinct possibility that he'll be spending his twilight years behind bars.

This is not something I’d hold my breath for, but I’d be simultaneously delighted and worried about as it regarding a trigger for some kind of National upheaval. Or… there might just be a giant sigh of relief. 🤔

There will be some more political violence from the extremists on the right I suspect, but there's no way around it without allowing them to use that threat to further undermine our rule of law.

It sucks, but hopefully we'll survive through it fairly well and it will be relatively short-lived.

I agree that Trump needs, the country needs to see him with the view behind bars. It’s long past due, that top leadership has avoided facing responsibility for their actions.
While it’s worrisome that the Right Wing will respond by calling for the prosecution of anyone who opposes them. 🙄

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