Whenever my guy can’t find something, I say,

“Second shelf, behind the strawberries.”

It’s a reference to a video about a husband trying to find the milk, and gets all flustered until his wife, hearing him, says the phrase, and the guy finds the milk.

I am sure I’m not the only one …

@cindyweinstein Are you on the 2nd shelf?

I just wish they'd put whatever it was back after they find it.

@AlliFlowers @GayDeceiver

Yes, slightly to the right (which is right around where his eyes gave up).

Putting it back in the same place might help but I'm skeptical!


@cindyweinstein It's never happened in my house. Yesterday it was the horseradish. (On the lazy Susan, right in front) Where did it end up? On the refrigerator door, upside down (cause it didn't fit there) where it fell out when I opened the fridge. Gahhh!!@GayDeceiver

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