I’m not sure where I’ll be watching election coverage right now but it sure as fuck won’t be anywhere foolish enough to have Ronna McDaniel on as a commenter or analyst or whatever they’re going to call it.

Seriously, what the fuck? Why do the major news organizations hate truthful information and honest reporting so much?

What a Coup! NBC News Just Hired Ronna McDaniel. – Mother Jones


RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, in video testimony, said Trump and John Eastman called her to ask her to arrange for fake electors to meet and rehearse the process of casting fake votes.

But, sure, let’s have her neat color commentary in the run up to the 2024 election

#NBC #MSNBC #RonnaMcDaniel #FireCarrieBudoffBrown #BoycottNBC #NBCUniversal #Comcast #IndictRonnaMcDaniel

@DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark

#MSNBC is dead to me

are you mad ⁉️

shows like The Weekend IMO are great, granted, the info can drive us ⭕mad, smile

8am-10am (ET) Sat and Sun great.

There isnt a dull moment on the show.

If cant find even 1min (not counting the ads, of course) of The Weekend bad


@AlliFlowers @DemocracyMattersALot @6G @wbpeckham I occasionally watch Lawrence O’Donnell is the guest is good or if I’m free. Sometimes I watch Velshi but typically by the time the weekend comes, I’m already up on what he covers. I think his show is okay for people who don’t have time during the week to get at least some deeper coverage.

The rest of MSNBC is pretty much garbage if you ask me. I don’t like Melber or Hayes (the programs, although I don’t care for Hayes much as a person, either).


O’Donnell is the best of MSNBC. But a boycott is a boycott. I’m struggling to think what reliable sources remain—perhaps none in broadcast.

@AlliFlowers @6G @wbpeckham

@DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers @6G The very best is Rachel Maddow: no one else brings the detail from the historical perspective and develops the context and history to make the meaning of a point in the news clear. She is literally a professor of journalism teaching us a master's class in how it is done! For all of that, she does not do confrontational interviews, for that the best was Medhi Hassan. I am now following his new venue, but I really miss his show. Lawrence brings the inside perspective on the hill, and is one of my favorites. I also like all in with Chris Hayes. There are others that I like at times but no one else that I like every time. Each brings something that the others lack or has a focus that the others don't develop so that together they make an incredible team.

@wbpeckham @DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers @6G

I agree completely. Maddow is great. She tells it like it is, and has the education to back it up.

It’s funny how MAGA republicans absolutely hate her. They have been conned into thinking she is fake, Lib news, when in fact, she is about as truthful as it gets.

Hayes, Melber, and Lawrence, are prime examples of ethical journalists, with fact checking instincts, to call out B.S. where they see it.

The other side claims the fact checkers are the liars, in a further attempt to confuse and disempower their voters.

@politicalfinger @wbpeckham @DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers @6G
Yes. To all. Please don’t boycott the network because some idiots in the ratings dept tried to “maximize addressable market” by hiring that traitor Ronna. Let’s hope he or she gets canned and the integrity of the weekday lineup is preserved. Maddow, Hayes and ODonnell are needed right now to keep us seeing the right level of outrage (forest) for the daily Trump transgressions (trees). There are too many trees.

@TonyStark I used to really like Melber, but he uses so many rap references I feel like I’ve been left out of an inside joke. Love Lawrence, but he’s past my bedtime. I used to love Velshi and Ruhle in the afternoon. And I’m with you on the weekends, Tony. Nothing new. @DemocracyMattersALot @6G @wbpeckham

@AlliFlowers Same. He has some good guests but it's really cringey to me when he's on a dead serious subject for 10 minutes and then ends it with something like "as T-Pain said, I don't wanna be a rude dude man." It ruins great points and also great songs.

@TonyStark @AlliFlowers
It doesn't work for me either, but if it helps increase the overall audience that's cool with me.

It's far from perfect, but PBS seems to be the closest we may get to a national news outlet for a while. Hopefully, someone like the McDonald's heiress (she gave billions to NPR although much seems to have been wasted) will step forward soon and do something to help us repair our broken media landscape that's driving us apart.

@TonyStark @AlliFlowers I’m sure he has a particular audience and he is definitely smart but it is overdone.

@AlliFlowers @TonyStark @DemocracyMattersALot @6G @wbpeckham I don’t watch on weekends either, I need a break. But one of the things I truly value MSNBC for; the incredible guests. I’m not a lawyer and I cannot count the # of times over the last 4-6 mos. that I’ve read headlines and waited to watch Joy, Chris and Rachel (on Mondays) get the best people in the country to explain it all to me. They’re my go-tos.

@AlliFlowers @msmp @TonyStark @DemocracyMattersALot @wbpeckham

thx for #dailybeast ✔️

NBC #meetthepress has an EXPLOSIVE interv with #ronnamcdaniel

She still sides with #Trump, lies on high crime, the high cost of food, but #KristenWelker pushed back that crime in major cites are all down

"The RNC was not there on #Jan6 we were not coordinating, not planning the event" (TELL ME MORE ‼️😴)

(audio file is 48mb, over the Mastodon 40mb limit, but here is url)

@msmp @AlliFlowers @TonyStark @DemocracyMattersALot @6G I own a DVR specifically for Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell. If you're willing to watch their shows a couple of days late I think Paramount Plus which only requires internet access and an account there (which is available for free if you're Xfinity customer) those MSNBC shows are available on demand.

@wbpeckham @msmp @AlliFlowers @TonyStark @DemocracyMattersALot

We can TIME SHIFT most #msnbc shows so we can skip forward, sleep, listen in the car, in class, when doing eye surgery...

Listening using a #podcastapp is nice, what did they say about radio? It forces us to see better? Something like that
#podcast #podcastapps

@6G @DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers And, to season the point, I did not start watching Rachel Maddow because she was on MSNBC, I started watching MSNBC because they had Rachel Maddow. I will watch the good journalists develop good stories no matter what channel or network carries them. I will avoid the Q-anon conspiracy theorists, no matter what channel or network carries them.

@DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers

I will watch the good journalists develop good stories no matter what channel...

Right, #Maddow #LawrenceODonnell do it well

The Weekend is a _new_ show on #msnbc and ⭕me too, I watch/listen to it because of the 3 hosts,

1 ⭕ #michaelsteele
2 ⭕ #aliciamenendez
3 ⭕ #SymoneSandersTownsend

8am-10am (ET) Sat and Sun
(as of show #4? still no podcast available)

maybe like a ⭕3 ring circus, the #johnheilemann type of circus🥳

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