@bookstodon I've burned through all of the Brother Cadfael books in the past couple of months, and I have a question: I've Googled this a bunch, but I still can't find anybody online who is connecting the dots to prove that Cadfael himself was the reason that there were so many murders in a relatively few years, in this tiny 12th century English town.

That kind of analysis HAS to be a thing, doesn't it?

@whitneymcn @bookstodon
Sister Frevisse a couple centuries later, half a dozen in the 16th c...

@BunRab @whitneymcn @bookstodon
You wouldn't want to live around Midsomer, with the Barnaby cousins and their sergeants, would you?
They excel in multiple sadistic and bloodthirsty murders with delightful surroundings and immaculate gardens.
But I am compelled to watch because I miss England's wonderful summer hedgerows...😉😊


@RHW All the people who live in Midsomer are frightful! They are busybodies and snobs. I wouldn’t want to live there even with a perfect hedgerow. @BunRab @whitneymcn @bookstodon

@AlliFlowers @BunRab @whitneymcn @bookstodon
😃😃They do seem pretty ghastly, but make for more fun. Suspect in real life only wealthy live there nowadays. But I still love looking at the old mansions, quaint cottages and scenery.
It is nostalgia for me, English countryside was a joy.

@RHW Agreed. My nanny had a garden where she grew things like cauliflower and rhubarb. Can’t grow rhubarb here, and most of the time you can only find it frozen. @BunRab @whitneymcn @bookstodon

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