
Just started Doctor Who, The Giggle. As I stay far away from announcements and spoilers, it was a grand surprise to me to discover the bad guy! I love him!

Doctor Who Special 3 


I was so excited when Neil Patrick Harris was cast. Fantastic.

I’m so glad they sent Tennant off on a high note and I’m really excited to see what Ncuti Gatwa is going to bring. The return of RTD is kicking it.

Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark I had no idea NPH was cast, but I couldn’t have been happier. Looking forward to the Christmas episode now!

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh Now is the time to either subscribe to Disney+ or find a friend who does.

I remember when the final season of Torchwood was on Showtime. I didn’t have Showtime, so every week I’d go to my friends’ house and watch with them.

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers @TonyStark I've missed 4 years of the Doctor. I'm baffled by the reference to Tennant (did he retuen to the show?) I'm so out of date, not sure it's worth it. Although ... NPH 🤔🙃

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh He returned for these 3 specials, along with Donna Noble. NPH is worth everything. He’s such a good bad guy. @TonyStark

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh @AlliFlowers The 3 specials have been some of the best Doctor Who. Really nailed it.

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark And Tennant was always my least favorite. @deborahh

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh @AlliFlowers OMG, same! That’s so funny. Who are your favorites?

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark I really loved Chris Eccleston when they brought the series back. Jodie Whittaker was just an amazing Doctor. I liked Matt Smith, although I haven’t liked him in anything else I’ve seen him in. Peter Capaldi was short-shifted because of the screwed up Clara arc. @deborahh

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers @deborahh I am a big Capaldi fan and agree on Clara. Eccleston should have had more time. I saw him in a play after his Doctor role. Great actor.

Jodie got so much weird backlash but I really enjoyed her take. I always liked Chibnall so…

Agree on Matt Smith.

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark Eccleston was in a show I watched on HBO, and he is just a fantastic actor. @deborahh

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark Who are your favorites?

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers @TonyStark this reminded me of NPH's "Dr. Horrible" internet series, so I just told my bestie about it. She hasn't seen it!

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh No!! If she hasn’t seen it, and you only just told her about it, you’re shirking your responsibilities as a bestie! @TonyStark

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers @deborahh You’re also a Torchwood fan? 🎉

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers @deborahh I’m so glad I met you here, now for more reasons!!

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@TonyStark And don’t forget the tooth at the end, so we know Master will be back. I wonder who will get that role next time around? I’d love to see Sacha Dhawan back. Of course, now that Doom Patrol has ended, we could get Michelle Gomez back as Missy. I love her!

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@AlliFlowers Missy was my favorite Master. Damn.

Sacha was great, too. People have a way of making their way back so 🤞

Can’t wait to see who picked up the tooth!

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