@edutooters #edutooter

It is disturbing that elementary children are criminalized and unsurprising that it happens to children with disabilities and children of Color at much higher rates. There should be no policing in schools and absolutely none for young children.


@ZingerLearns Having dealt with a 6 foot tall 7th grader with an IEP, I am going to disagree. @edutooters

@AlliFlowers @edutooters you think arresting them and sending them to juvi is the answer then?
I am not advocating for anarchy, but criminalizing disability is problematic, maybe we disagree on this point.


@ZingerLearns What do you recommend for a child who is larger and outweighs most of the teachers and cannot be physically restrained? @edutooters

@AlliFlowers @edutooters I think it would depend on the disability and setting. If someone is severely ED and poses a danger to other students there are alternatives to gen ed that are not being criminalized. I have worked with schools that specifically support these students.

@AlliFlowers @edutooters is alternative the same as specific for disabilities or the school that the "bad kids go to?

@ZingerLearns 70% of the population was IEP. The remaining 30 probably should have been. The 30 wasn’t ever the problem though. @edutooters

@AlliFlowers @edutooters and there were people and resources to support the severe ED cases for example?

@ZingerLearns To be frank, I thought our entire sp’ed team and the LEA were worthless, but the faculty did wonders with them, and if we could get them before things escalated, they were sent to me to chill. But you know how quickly an ED child can go off. I’m going to do a quick photo edit masking the child’s face and dm you a pic. @edutooters

@AlliFlowers @edutooters I am glad that you were able to manage with what you had, but it sounds like there were not adequate resources. I appreciate the picture for perspective, and it reminds me of some settings I have seen.

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