Going to pick up my new baby on Sunday. I’m so excited! #Hedgehog
What should I name him? (Peter Quill is overused already.)
@AlliFlowers ooh I miss hedgehogs! They were always in the garden in Ireland growing up.
@urbanfoxe My friends here from other countries are so confused by people buying hedgehogs when they are everywhere in Europe.
@AlliFlowers I was shocked when I found out they weren't native here.
@urbanfoxe And it’s illegal to own them as pets in several states!
@AlliFlowers I didn't know that!
@AlliFlowers here! Oh well I've no garden for one anyway. I figured Hawaii.
@urbanfoxe Here, you keep them in enclosures like you do with guinea pigs.
@urbanfoxe Nope. You bring the food to them.