
The solution is simple. Get the assault weapons OFF the streets, and put the Republicans in the House and Senate back ON the streets.

@AlliFlowers Not necessarily. My county flipped Blue in 2020 so what did the #gop Gov & legislature do? Re-drew the district so #Democrats couldn’t win again. #gerrymandered Know why they don’t care about dead children? They rigged the elections so your votes don’t matter in state races. Now they’ve passed laws the #legislatures can throw out your votes & fire prosecutors they don’t like. #fascism is here. #Republican #goptraitors

@marcibadwolf303 @AlliFlowers

Fascism is in full swing all around the country. CNN has flipped and masquerading as bipartisan which it is not. It is only allowed to appear that way by it's owner for the time being until some predetermined or opportune time. Vice News is going out of business along with other good news sources. A lot of good journalism is going extinct replaced by alternative reality outlets. Only some people have really opened their eyes to the real possibilities of what our f

Beating them in an election isn't enough, any more than a gold star from the teacher is enough to stop the class bully. They must be made to hide in the shadows and fear the consequences of their actions. Winning won't be sufficient, they must be punished, so that others will be dissuaded from following their footsteps. I say this not from cruelty or vengence, but from strategy and psychology.

@ambulocetus Beating them in an election will lead them to hide in the shadows. All they want is power, so if we take that away from them, they’ll go away.

@AlliFlowers I disagree, they won't go away that easily. Trump lost and he didn't just go away. This isn't the Bush/Cheney type of Republicans anymore. These people are fucking nuts, and they have major media networks and activist billionaires behind them. I stand by my previous statement; voting is essential, BUT not sufficient.

@ambulocetus @AlliFlowers
We must trick them into being incorporated into normal just society. Them hiding in the shadows will only breed desire for retribution.

@retrohondajunki @AlliFlowers Well, our strength is diversity. We have may tools in our toolbox, and we should use them all. You can try to trick the nazis into assimilating back into society, and I can punch them in the nose. We need people to do both. Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

@AlliFlowers err it's safer in big buildings with police around? OH! Except in Washington DC!!!!

@AlliFlowers "the solution is simple"

What is your definition of "assault weapon"? Any gun that's dark and scary to you?

How do you plan on getting them "off the streets"? You realize most people will have them "lost in a boating accident", right?

good golly miss Molly, for being so "simple" your solution sure does seem to have a lot of flaws!

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