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yoused boosted
yoused boosted
yoused boosted

Seriously, fuck the Republican ticket and their racist tripe bullshit to the end of time

yoused boosted
yoused boosted

If you post a video, it absolutely must include a moment of great pain or nobody will watch it. Death, maybe not so much, but pain is always amusing.

yoused boosted

it’s cool to watch some of these 70s godzillas again and realize that adhd is not the reason i had no idea what was happening in these movies when i watched them as a kid

yoused boosted
yoused boosted
yoused boosted

Man assaulted with car after argument, press reports "intentionally struck by a large SUV" 🤦 the car clearly did not act alone here, folks. Auto-correct must not allow them to write "intentionally struck **with** a large SUV"

Always check the hashtags before responding to a post, lest you end up looking as stupid as me.

yoused boosted
yoused boosted
yoused boosted
yoused boosted
yoused boosted

🔱Kyiv oblast. The village of Velyka Oleksandrivka

The world's largest coat of arms of Ukraine and the inscription Glory to Ukraine

Good Morning!

yoused boosted

You don't have to say "racially tinged" when you mean "racist".

Soft-peddaling, whitewashing and down-playing are forms of complicity and enablement.

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