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Careful study has established that CouchBoy’s intense misogyny arises out of homosexual frustration. He is, after all, a Republican, the Party of haven for repressed homosexuals.

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Who knows precisely why some of us care deeply about justice, fairness, rule of law, and the ideal of a wholly pluralistic democracy? For me, commitments to all of those connects with a deep respect for the dignity of persons. Nobody should be treated as a means to somebody else’s ends. Nobody should be considered the instrument of somebody else’s wealth or power. Each of us should be treated as an agent, somebody with the capacity to author their own ends.1/

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Woohoo! First International contact using the International Space Station, with VE7CYA (in Nanaimo, BC, Canada). 1070 miles/1722 km. Up to the ISS and back. #iss #hamradio

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As of today, August 25, we have had 365 shoot-em-ups this year (incidents in which 4 or more people have taken a bullet). The really sad part is that is more than a hundred less than this time last year. The ugly news is the good news, or something.

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yoused boosted

We all live on the same planet, so YOUR private jet is MY business.

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Be prepared for a new round of gaslighting about how dangerous EVs are.

A fire broke out at a parking lot at Rivian Automotive’s manufacturing facility in Normal, Illinois late on Saturday damaging many of its electric vehicles, the U.S. startup said on Sunday.

The fire was at a parking lot on the north side of the four-million-square-foot factory, located 130 miles (209 km) south of Chicago, and the assembly plant was unaffected, the Normal Fire Department said in a statement to Reuters.

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Many stayed together because of love and commitment, but many stayed because they had no choice. Marraige and partnerships are hard work, but they should also be a choice.

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yoused boosted

Look babe, a better "Don't tread on me" flag just dropped.

This goes well with reclaiming Freedom & Patriotism from the hateful traitors.

#RoeVWade #LGBTQ #Flag

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The USPS isn't "losing money", it's providing a service, that's the job of the government. Conservatives never talk about how much money Defense loses, and entire aircraft carriers just "disappear".

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#JimmyCarter's grandson, Jason Carter, at the #DNC:

"Papa is holding on. He's hopeful, and though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever. My grandfather can't wait to vote for Kamala #Harris. She reminds us all that the promise of America remains unchanged. We are one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all, and my grandfather knows that with her as our next president, we will keep that promise."

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"People are living in poverty under capitalism."
Corporate shill: "Look, communism! hurr hurr."

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