Be prepared for a new round of gaslighting about how dangerous EVs are.
A fire broke out at a parking lot at Rivian Automotive’s manufacturing facility in Normal, Illinois late on Saturday damaging many of its electric vehicles, the U.S. startup said on Sunday.
The fire was at a parking lot on the north side of the four-million-square-foot factory, located 130 miles (209 km) south of Chicago, and the assembly plant was unaffected, the Normal Fire Department said in a statement to Reuters.
#JimmyCarter's grandson, Jason Carter, at the #DNC:
"Papa is holding on. He's hopeful, and though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever. My grandfather can't wait to vote for Kamala #Harris. She reminds us all that the promise of America remains unchanged. We are one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all, and my grandfather knows that with her as our next president, we will keep that promise."
AI is a con
AI is a grift
AI is a scam
"The people who have temporarily gotten rich or famous on AI have done so by pretending that this outlier problem simply doesn’t exist, or that a remedy for it is imminent. When the bubble deflation that I have been predicting comes, as now seems imminent, it will come because so many people have begun to recognize that GenAI can’t live up to expectations."
It never was about abortion