@cykonot @Huntn00 @MichaelTBacon @mapachin Human input factors into it at some point or it is not meaningful. Consumption is input – unless you are suggesting automatons producing for other automatons and the humans subsisting off the scraps of automated trade. You are suggesting the creation of a completely separate econosystem.
@BigBoppa @stevesilberman oh, those chocolate ones, oh, oh
@DorotheaLange wow, before they put in the road to Bucoda
@catsrule0000 “Have JD order donuts.”
“Will he be fucking the donuts?”
"Hmm, well, have him order a kielbasa instead.”
“Great. Um, wait a sec.”
@GottaLaff I found this article to be rather meh (only got 5 or 6 paragraphs in), but the headline sells it
@DXMacGuffin not sure I would have recognized that as Ms Harris without being told
@RememberUsAlways Hey, if your policy is shit, well, as they say, "in Soviet Russia, policy stick to you."
@donni The time to wait is now!
@luckytran Project 2025 aims to change "HHS" to "Department of Life" and focus on making cattle of women, so putting Junior in charge of it is of negligible significance.
@GottaLaff @lolgop It is odd what gets amplified. Ever since, was it Roy Blount’s “shut that whole thing down” comment, the RW has steadfastly employed a tactic of saying the most ridiculous things, in an effort to get attention. They spew that crap, the media abets them by publicizing it, and suddenly the RW has set the dialog, which reasonable people cannot seem to counter with non-stupid words that go unnoticed.
#JimmyCarter's grandson, Jason Carter, at the #DNC:
"Papa is holding on. He's hopeful, and though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever. My grandfather can't wait to vote for Kamala #Harris. She reminds us all that the promise of America remains unchanged. We are one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all, and my grandfather knows that with her as our next president, we will keep that promise."
@ElleGray Arrgh! Is she wearing a *tan suit*? The horror …
@Free_Press Vlad is pretty smart, but in the end, he does not seem to be hugely smarter than the Screaming ShitGibbon. A little smarter, yes, but not much.
@Nigel_Purchase of course they have to make the graphic look like a martini glass
@RickiTarr Hey, Ellno, I watched WWII and sided with NOT THE NAZIs.
@adhdeanasl tusk, tusk
It never was about abortion