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@amyfou Policemen used to be the good guys. It was gospel.

Now everyone has a camera with them all the time.

@SrRochardBunson “I got my at the other place. Fragments of me, scattered across time. Then I discovered this mammoth, of wooly thought.
“Those pieces of me evaporated. This milieu brought me to coalescence. It was no longer about me, but about everyone. My dominant singular masculinity dissolved into this greater stew of humanity, rising in the mixing feminine steam of commingling.”

One Froggy Evening

Takes place almost entirely during daytime, apparently over the course of several days, not one.

He hates the woman whom he loves almost as much as he hates himself. The paradox of his existence has left him tightly wound up, ready at the slightest provocation to sproing apart into a zillion fragments of furious nihilism.

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He pursued homosexual relationships in the past, using the name “Jadey”, but his complete lack of social skills resulted in failure, which forced him to turn to a heterosexual relationship to salve his broken and damaged spirit. Hence, he has a very low opinion of women.

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Careful study has established that CouchBoy’s intense misogyny arises out of homosexual frustration. He is, after all, a Republican, the Party of haven for repressed homosexuals.

@APBBlue I have heard that Mussolini and Hitler were quite awful, but I was not around at the time. I cannot compare. He very well could be worse.

(I mean, back then, people were *encouraged* to kill nazis. Paid for it, even.)

yoused boosted

Who knows precisely why some of us care deeply about justice, fairness, rule of law, and the ideal of a wholly pluralistic democracy? For me, commitments to all of those connects with a deep respect for the dignity of persons. Nobody should be treated as a means to somebody else’s ends. Nobody should be considered the instrument of somebody else’s wealth or power. Each of us should be treated as an agent, somebody with the capacity to author their own ends.1/

@Bronwyn What is used to deliver souls to the realm of eternal retribution?

@Bluedepth @MonaApp I have a G5 iMac that still runs fine, but it does not get a lot of use. I subsisted on iPads through the Intel years, because x86 makes me want to barf.

@Bluedepth @MonaApp Eleven years old. As Apple products go, that is a pretty good run. My iPad 1 lasted for 3 years before I went for an Air 2, and the screen on that one went all green after 5 years.

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