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@iamcanehdian Which one are you on? Because this here instance does not seem to be replete with ads.

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People who say of Nazis “the way you deal with bad ideas is by defeating them in the marketplace of ideas” are offering assumptions that a) Nazi ideas have not already been defeated on the merits, and are still valid and worthy to consider; b) Nazis will promote their ideas in bloodless debate. @georgetakei Not all police officers are bad. However, the decent ones who fail to step forward and say "that officer did wrong" are no better than that one who did wrong and can just FTFO. I will let you know if I hear about a brave officer – it has been a lengthy search. Part of the problem is that we continue to treat wealth as an asset. Wealth makes people stupid. The wealthiest among us should be viewed not with respect but with contempt (until they stop regarding plebes thusly).

@linuxgal Sauron is so misunderstood. He was only trying to make the world safe for orcs, goblins, balrogs and uruk-hai. Voldemort, OTOH, he was a nazi.

@axios But what will the tip-credit wage be in those states? (Note that the west coast state do not allow tip credit, but employers figure out other means of wage theft.)

@akamran @dancinyogi My RX-7 had synchros: I could "move shifter" *without* the "push clutch" (at least, going from 3rd to 5th)

@kingrat if you want to visit the town of Dildo, prepare to be disappointed

@jeffowski AIUI, there is still slavery in the US. It is just kept out of view. Kind of like how outlawing marijuana totally made it go away, dude.

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yoused boosted

SF is arguing about whether tiny cabins for homeless folks should cost $113,000 or $40,000 or $81,000, meanwhile Oakland has deployed hundreds of Pallet Shelters for about $7,500 each.

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@georgetakei I sometimes get hannities, but I can usually get them loose when I take a shower.

@Gargron No, the biggest danger they pose is that we computerize/network everyfuckingthing. Intelligence is not different from logic circuitry – we just have emo-chemistry to flavor it. AI could pose a real, physical danger because we let it.

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Texas is banning Kate Cox from getting a life saving abortion—claiming her fetus has rights.

Simultaneously Texas is fighting a lawsuit by a prison guard who was 7 mo pregnant, had pains, was denied a break, & the fetus was stillborn—arguing a fetus has no rights.

It was Never about life. It was always about control of women.

Vote the GOP out.

@TheOldGuy Not a wise plan, when it becomes public: if soldiers believe surrender = death, they will just keep fighting instead of giving up

@hapbt You just described how the USA became GREAT!

( well, and there was that part about not getting in the crossfire of WWII )

I have learned that "Xcrete" replaces "tweet" for postings on the thingie formerly known as "Twitter", now known-ish as "X"

The three great lies:

1: the check is in the mail
2: I won't [sexual vulgarity redacted]
3: It's really about abortion

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