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Good morning! Getting ready to head home after a really nice visit with family. It’s a 4 hour drive home, which isn’t too bad, but long enough for me. Wish I had some of Dorothy’s ruby red slippers to get me there faster.

Hope you can grab some relaxation time today to recharge for the Monday coming around.


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Listening to some Crosby, Stills & Nash this morning. These lines stuck out: “I can tell by the colour of your coat my friend, you’re from the other side, but tell me please, who won?”

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Counterpoint: The Titicut Follies


The case for a Cuckoo's Nest - by Steve Berman

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Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison join forces on ‘solidarity’ trip to Israel Oh, FFS. Some say the situation is “complex”. I disagree, but these two self-promoting clowns aren’t going to help anything.

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RT by @karmel80: In #Minsk, pregnant woman was detained ... for seeking shelter from rain by using ⚪️🔴⚪️ umbrella. She was spared from imprisonment due to her pregnancy & having 2 minor children.
If you are in #Belarus, avoid wearing 🔴⚪️ colors in your clothing as it leads to imprisonment


[2023-11-05 12:12 UTC]

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What the Amazon needs now

Six actions to stop deforestation and conserve biodiversity The Amazon is in crisis. Deforestation, degradation, and climate change are pushing the … What the Amazon needs now


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Sunday Greetings.

Wishing you all a great day.

Take Care and Stay Alive!

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People are so mean on social media, sometimes they say I’m missing the point.

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How is it possible that it’s not front page news when a man who soon may return to power calls for law enforcement to kill people for minor crimes? Who said the Joint Chief should be executed? Who said the way to stop forest fires was to water 800 million acres of forest?

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