I’ve seen racists post Black death and suffering as a joke.
I’ve seen pedophiles try to groom kids out in the open.
I’ve seen women stalked and harassed by sexists who refuse to acknowledge the basic concept of consent.
I’ve never seen any of these situations draw as much hate, outrage and abject hostility as Black folks refusing to be what white people expect us to be in the fedi.
There is just a certain level of angst for Black and Brown people here that truly horrible people in the fediverse never experience.
I’m fascinated and disgusted by it at the same time.
Ha, a lot of yall just hate anything Black that you cannot control.
@are0h Well, I would get offended if someone called me "white". I am all North Sea ancestry, but "white" has a completely different meaning now. White people can GFT.
@yoused The sentiment is cool, but I’m Black.
People will just make shit about me even if I don’t do anything to them.