Some of you are not getting the "weird" framing.

Weird is not just a bad name you fling at people you don't like. Weird, the bad weird, is when somebody says or does things that show that they don't understand other people at all. Since all people are modeling others on how they think, it suddenly tells you that they don't think at all like other people.

An obsession with others masturbation, controlling women, obviously worthless NFTs - don't normalize it because they are rich.


@Urban_Hermit It is an attempt to vilify them without churning up. “basket of deplorables” quality animosity.

We want to call them what they are: America-Hating Fucksticks. But that makes discourse difficult. Weird people hate having to be compared to Republicans, but it is a less hostile way to describe them. The truly weird would rather have Ms Harris in the WH, so we will tolerate it, for now.

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